By doing this, you will not only profit by improving your credit rating but also get extra money into your account. Your credit score, which is an important aspect of your financial life, will remain untainted since you will settle your debt in time, and you can use the extra cash from your sale in other projects. However, you have to study the prevailing market conditions. That is, find out factors that are likely to influence the value of your home… before getting ready to sell it. Remember, when your house is foreclosed, you will lose your property as well as your credit rating.
Buy My House for Cash in Fort Myers, Florida: The Plan
The first step that you need to take in order to sell your Fort Myers house fast to someone else with a “buy my Fort Myers Florida house for cash” mentality, is to come up with a game plan.
Your real estate agent should help you come up with this. Be sure to negotiate with your lender as you contact an agent who is well informed regarding the sale of such properties in your area. The agent should have the latest report on property values in order to help you quote the right price for your house.
1. How fast do you need to sell?
This is one of the most important first decisions you need to make… because this really dictates what options you really have. If you have more time… you have more options open to you.
If you have less time… your options are a bit fewer… but you still have great options out there.
If you need to sell in less than 2 months (or even less time than that), you likely don’t have the time to list your house with an agent. You’ll likely have to try to sell the house yourself (if you know how to) or sell your house to a local professional house buyer like Coastal Mountain Home Buyers (or you can call us at 239.829.9591 and we can make you a fast-fair all-cash offer on your Fort Myers area house).
2. How much do you need to sell your Fort Myers house for?
Note that above it says “how much do you need” to sell for. If you’d like to sell your house for full retail… but you have to sell your house fast and can’t afford to list it with a real estate agent… determine what you need to get out of your house sale.
That’ll help guide you to your true options for selling.
If the price you “need” to get doesn’t leave room for a real estate agents commission… you may need to look at selling the house FSBO or getting an offer from a local real estate house buying company like us… to see if that gets you closer to where you need to end up.
On the flip side… if you need near full-retail value and you can wait it out for a retail buyer to come along who can pay that price… list your house on the MLS. If you don’t have the time… consider talking to us for a fast cash offer on your house (we can make you an offer in less than 24 hours and close in as little as 7 days if you need to, with all cash).
3. Look into your options and take action!
Like I mentioned above, if you’re looking for someone who can say “yes”! when you ask them to “buy my Fort Myers Florida house for cash”… the main things you need to determine yourself are:
- How fast you NEED to sell
- How much you NEED to get out of the sale
Once you know those… look at your options below as a quick guide to help you decide which options may work for you with your local Fort Myers house sale.
- Real Estate Agent: If you can wait 3-6 months to sell and can afford the 3-6% in commissions on the sale. If so, going with an agent will likely get you your highest price on your property.
- Local Real Estate Investor / House Buyer: If you need to sell fast, we can buy your Fort Myers house in as little as 7 days. We won’t be able to pay full-retail on your house… but we don’t charge any fees at all. What we offer you is what we pay you. If you value your time and a quick sale more than making a few extra bucks 6 months from now… call us today at 239.829.9591 or click the link below to fill out our online fast offer form.
- For Sale By Owner: If you can wait 3-6 months to sell but can’t afford the 3-6% in commissions to an agent, you may want to try to sell it yourself.
- Talk To Your Bank: If your mortgage is “underwater” or you’re in or nearing foreclosure… your first step may be to talk to your bank to see if they have any mortgage relief programs. Some banks offer assistance or can at least guide you in a direction to lessen the burden.
Why You Should Consider Selling Your Property to Coastal Mountain Home Buyers
Selling your house can be a time-consuming and stressful process, especially if you’re in a hurry to sell or if your property needs repairs or updates. Fortunately, selling your house to a real estate investor for cash can provide many benefits that make the process easier and more profitable. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of selling your house to a real estate investor for cash.
- Speed and Convenience
Selling your house to a real estate investor for cash can provide a quick and hassle-free sale. You won’t have to worry about repairs, staging, or marketing your property, which can save you time and money. Additionally, cash buyers can close the sale quickly, often in a matter of days, compared to a traditional home sale, which can take months.
- No Need for Repairs or Updates
Real estate investors typically buy homes as-is, which means you won’t have to make any repairs or updates to your property. This can save you time and money on costly repairs and updates that can be required for a traditional home sale. You can sell your home in its current condition without having to worry about any repairs or updates.
- No Real Estate Commissions or Closing Costs
When you sell your house through a real estate agent, you may be required to pay a commission of 5-6% of the sale price, as well as closing costs. When you sell your house to a real estate investor for cash, you won’t have to pay any commissions or closing costs. This can save you thousands of dollars in fees and expenses.
- Cash Offers
Real estate investors typically offer cash for your property, which can be beneficial for several reasons. Cash offers eliminate the risk of buyer financing falling through, which can happen with traditional home sales. Additionally, cash offers can provide you with immediate access to funds, which can be beneficial if you need to sell your house quickly.
- Flexible Terms
Real estate investors can provide flexible terms and solutions for selling your house. For example, they may be willing to take over your mortgage payments or work out a lease-back agreement that allows you to stay in your home for a period of time after the sale. This can be beneficial if you need more time to move or if you’re not quite ready to leave your property.
We can help you strategize how to sell your Fort Myers Florida house fast. Give us a call at 239.829.9591 for help selling your house fast, or fill out our form to see if your property qualifies for a fast, fair all-cash offer.
There are several reasons why you may be thinking “buy my Fort Myers Florida house for cash – please let it be that simple” (and it can be). Regardless of your reasons, you need to prepare your house for sale just as you would any other product. A thoughtful preparation WILL turn your home into an attractive option for buyers. Doing it this way, you can sell your house fast and get top dollars.